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Our focus on person-centeredness in design and implementations brought about the addition of the word ‘my’. Between the word ‘care’ and ‘my’ we feel more connected to service users and customers saying ‘mycare360’. We truly believe in the transformative power of providing person-centered care that is transparent through automation. Care360 is our cloud-based software application for providers of healthcare-related services such as Nursing, Managing Challenging behavior, Domiciliary Care e.t.c. It is designed to help providers, regulations, service users and families manage care packages successfully while ensuring quality. It combines management tools required by CQC and the home office in running healthcare services.

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Implementation of Transforming Your CareHello world!

My Care 360Uncategorized Implementation of Transforming Your CareHello world!

Implementation of Transforming Your CareHello world!

The implementation of Transforming Your Care is being led by the Health and Social Care Board in collaboration with the Health and Social Care Trusts and other providers.

Work is progressing at a steady pace.  Some of the key areas in which work is being taken forward include:

  • Integrated Care Partnerships – ICPs are bringing together health and social care providers from both the statutory and voluntary sector to help improve the patient journey, manage chronic illnesses and prevent unnecessary hospital admissions especially for our frail elderly and those with long term conditions.
  • Reablement – this service is for people who have suffered from a health or social care crisis, who are recovering from an illness or injury and have become frail as a result. Reablement helps people regain their independence and continue to live in their own homes. Work has been underway regionally to review this service so that it can be expanded and improved across Northern Ireland.
  • Health and Care Centres – construction is on-going on the development of three new centres in Banbridge, Ballymena and Omagh. A further two approved for Newry and Lisburn are currently in the procurement process.
  • Self Directed Support – this support increases the choice, flexibility and control that services users have over their social care budget and the services they receive. Progress has been made with positive engagement from all Trusts, and implementation plans and communications about further rollout of this important initiative are underway.
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